Thursday, 8 September 2016

Tonga Photos

 Kayaking around some islands near our anchorage at Nuku'alofa.

A typical day of exploring by kayak and snorkelling in Tonga.

Inside Swallow's Cave in Va'vau.

Terns resting on the sticks of a fish trap. 

Wayne playing with the local crabs. 

A glorious, sunny day of sailing in the Va'vau Group. 


Coconut juice coming up. 

The perfect conditions to practice our kayak rolls. 


Kathy up the ratlines looking for coral bommies and reefs. 

A beautiful uninhabited island in the Hapaai Group.

 A beautiful uninhabited island in the Hapaai Group.

 Hermit crabs of all sizes were abundant on the beaches in Tonga.

A perfect spot for a swim. 

The windward side of an uninhabited island.

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